February 17, 2015

Shopping and cupcakes

Hi again!❤

Did I mention that I was down town with my mum today in my last post? I don't remember. But anyway! I got some new clothes that I wanted to show you. They are pretty basic, but I wanted to post some kind of haul. So I hope you enjoy! I apologize for the bad pictures.  I'm lazy and my camera almost didn't have any battery left, so I had to be quick.

♡ iTac2 and Mighty Grip ♡
Both of these are for poledance/fitness and prevents you from slipping. So you get a better grip. Haven't tried these before so I'm really looking forward to start learning and practising some tricks again this Saturday!
♡ Got these from eBay
 ♡ Pink sweater♡
From: Bikbok
Price: 299 NOK
Super soft and super cute! Looking forward to wearing it. 
 ♡ Black pants ♡
♡The one to the left:
From: Bikbok
Price: 199 NOK
♡The one on the right:
From: Gina Tricot
Price: 299 NOK

 ♡ Gray shoes ♡ 
From: Skoringen
Price: 399 NOK
Bad picture, again. I was at a café so I didn't want to stand up and have a photoshoot of my shoes. I hope you understand why, haha. But these have a pretty thick sole and heel. Which makes them quite comfortable to wear. Especially since I don't like wearing high heels at all. But I needed a pair of shoes that was a little more spring-ish and a little prettier. And these where super cute! I'm sure you'll see them in a lot of outfits from now on.

We also went to a café called Fairytail! It's so adorable and magic. They sell a lot of good food that fits perfectly for lunch or just some kind of snack/dessert. 

They are famous for their delicious cupcakes which tastes just as good as they look like. I also tried something new to drink this time, which was some kind of sparkling lemonade. And let me just tell you that this will not be the last time I buy that drink. ❤

Here, have an awkward picture of me from today!

When I got home I started playing Tomb Raider, which I'v been playing since. I have just moved from the computer to eat dinner. Woops. Oh well, it's vacation! I know Tomb Raider isn't as new any more, but hey, better late than never! It's actually a pretty good and exciting game. Later I guess I'll play some more cs:go and maybe watch a movie or some anime. We'll see! Have a nice evening everyone. ❤

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