November 26, 2014

The best thing to do when you are tired

Hi! *:・゚✧

So today I was really tired. Like, super tired. So when I got home from school I decided to wrap myself in blankets and take a long nap. Which was amazing. (◡‿◡✿)
And when I woke up I turned on my xbox and played some Far Cry 3! Aah, I'm super excited to buy Far Cry 4, it looks super exciting and fun! If you have played it; is it worth the money?

Tired sleepy-face, but who cares? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
I started a new story mode because I'm borrowing the game from my brother.
If laying in your bed, wrapped around in blankets and duvets, and playing games isn't one of the best things ever; I don't know what is.  
But I hope your day was better than mine! Feel free to tell me about it.♥

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